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3环只增加了个死循环 驱动没变

#include "Ioctls.h"DWORD In_32(HANDLE hDevice, USHORT port){ DWORD dwOutput; DWORD inputBuffer[2] = { port,//对port进行操作 4//1代表8位操作,2代表16位操作,4代表32位操作 }; DWORD dResult; DeviceIoControl(hDevice, READ_PORT, inputBuffer, sizeof(inputBuffer), &dResult, sizeof(DWORD), &dwOutput, NULL); return dResult;}void Out_32(HANDLE hDevice, USHORT port, DWORD value){ DWORD dwOutput; DWORD inputBuffer[3] = { port,//对port进行操作 4,//1代表8位操作,2代表16位操作,4代表32位操作 value//输出字节 }; DeviceIoControl(hDevice, WRITE_PORT, inputBuffer, sizeof(inputBuffer), NULL, 0, &dwOutput, NULL);}/* PCI配置空间寄存器 */#define PCI_CONFIG_ADDRESS 0xCF8#define PCI_CONFIG_DATA 0xCFC#define PCI_TYPE0_ADDRESSES 6#define PCI_TYPE1_ADDRESSES 2#define PCI_TYPE2_ADDRESSES 5typedef struct _PCI_COMMON_CONFIG { USHORT VendorID; // (ro) USHORT DeviceID; // (ro) USHORT Command; // Device control USHORT Status; UCHAR RevisionID; // (ro) UCHAR ProgIf; // (ro) UCHAR SubClass; // (ro) UCHAR BaseClass; // (ro) UCHAR CacheLineSize; // (ro+) UCHAR LatencyTimer; // (ro+) UCHAR HeaderType; // (ro) UCHAR BIST; // Built in self test union { struct _PCI_HEADER_TYPE_0 { ULONG BaseAddresses[PCI_TYPE0_ADDRESSES]; ULONG CIS; USHORT SubVendorID; USHORT SubSystemID; ULONG ROMBaseAddress; UCHAR CapabilitiesPtr; UCHAR Reserved1[3]; ULONG Reserved2; UCHAR InterruptLine; // UCHAR InterruptPin; // (ro) UCHAR MinimumGrant; // (ro) UCHAR MaximumLatency; // (ro) } type0; // end_wdm end_ntminiport end_ntndis // // PCI to PCI Bridge // struct _PCI_HEADER_TYPE_1 { ULONG BaseAddresses[PCI_TYPE1_ADDRESSES]; UCHAR PrimaryBus; UCHAR SecondaryBus; UCHAR SubordinateBus; UCHAR SecondaryLatency; UCHAR IOBase; UCHAR IOLimit; USHORT SecondaryStatus; USHORT MemoryBase; USHORT MemoryLimit; USHORT PrefetchBase; USHORT PrefetchLimit; ULONG PrefetchBaseUpper32; ULONG PrefetchLimitUpper32; USHORT IOBaseUpper16; USHORT IOLimitUpper16; UCHAR CapabilitiesPtr; UCHAR Reserved1[3]; ULONG ROMBaseAddress; UCHAR InterruptLine; UCHAR InterruptPin; USHORT BridgeControl; } type1; // // PCI to CARDBUS Bridge // struct _PCI_HEADER_TYPE_2 { ULONG SocketRegistersBaseAddress; UCHAR CapabilitiesPtr; UCHAR Reserved; USHORT SecondaryStatus; UCHAR PrimaryBus; UCHAR SecondaryBus; UCHAR SubordinateBus; UCHAR SecondaryLatency; struct { ULONG Base; ULONG Limit; } Range[PCI_TYPE2_ADDRESSES - 1]; UCHAR InterruptLine; UCHAR InterruptPin; USHORT BridgeControl; } type2; // begin_wdm begin_ntminiport begin_ntndis } u; UCHAR DeviceSpecific[192];} PCI_COMMON_CONFIG, *PPCI_COMMON_CONFIG;typedef struct _PCI_SLOT_NUMBER { union { struct { ULONG FunctionNumber : 3; ULONG DeviceNumber : 5; ULONG Reserved : 24; } bits; ULONG AsULONG; } u;} PCI_SLOT_NUMBER, *PPCI_SLOT_NUMBER;void DisplayPCIConfiguation(HANDLE hDevice, int bus, int dev, int func){ DWORD dwAddr; DWORD dwData; PCI_COMMON_CONFIG pci_config; PCI_SLOT_NUMBER SlotNumber; SlotNumber.u.AsULONG = 0; SlotNumber.u.bits.DeviceNumber = dev; SlotNumber.u.bits.FunctionNumber = func; dwAddr = 0x80000000 | (bus << 16) | (SlotNumber.u.AsULONG << 8); /* 256字节的PCI配置空间 */ for (int i = 0; i < 0x100; i += 4) { /* Read */ Out_32(hDevice, PCI_CONFIG_ADDRESS, dwAddr | i); dwData = In_32(hDevice, PCI_CONFIG_DATA); memcpy(((PUCHAR)&pci_config) + i, &dwData, 4); } printf("bus:%d\tdev:%d\tfunc:%d\n", bus, dev, func); printf("VendorID:%x\n", pci_config.VendorID); printf("DeviceID:%x\n", pci_config.DeviceID); printf("Command:%x\n", pci_config.Command); printf("Status:%x\n", pci_config.Status); printf("RevisionID:%x\n", pci_config.RevisionID); printf("ProgIf:%x\n", pci_config.ProgIf); printf("SubClass:%x\n", pci_config.SubClass); printf("BaseClass:%x\n", pci_config.BaseClass); printf("CacheLineSize:%x\n", pci_config.CacheLineSize); printf("LatencyTimer:%x\n", pci_config.LatencyTimer); printf("HeaderType:%x\n", pci_config.HeaderType); printf("BIST:%x\n", pci_config.BIST); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { printf("BaseAddresses[%d]:0X%08X\n", i, pci_config.u.type0.BaseAddresses[i]); } printf("InterruptLine:%d\n", pci_config.u.type0.InterruptLine); printf("InterruptPin:%d\n", pci_config.u.type0.InterruptPin);}int main(){ HANDLE hDevice = CreateFileA("\\\\.\\allen", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // share mode none NULL, // no security OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); // no template if (hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("Failed to obtain file handle to device: " "%s with Win32 error code: %d\n", "MyWDMDevice", GetLastError()); //return 1; } DisplayPCIConfiguation(hDevice, 2, 1, 0); ULONG ulbus = 0; //总线号 ULONG uldev = 0; //设备号 ULONG ulfunc = 0; //功能号 while (1) { printf("请输入总线号 设备号功能号 如(0 0 0) 回车结束:\n"); scanf("%d%d%d\n", &ulbus, &uldev, &ulfunc); DisplayPCIConfiguation(hDevice, ulbus, uldev, ulfunc); printf("请按任意键开始\n"); getchar(); } CloseHandle(hDevice); getchar(); return 0;}


一种是用api HalGetBusDataByOffset

#include "Driver.h"NTSTATUS DriverEntry(    IN PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject,    IN PUNICODE_STRING pRegistryPath){    NTSTATUS status;    //判断CPU类型    CPUType();    //枚举    EnumeratePCI();    //EnumPCI();    KdPrint(("Enter DriverEntry\n"));    //DbgBreakPoint();    //设置卸载函数    pDriverObject->DriverUnload =DDKUnload;    //设置派遣函数    pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE] = DDKDispatchRoutin;    pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLOSE] = DDKDispatchRoutin;    pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_WRITE] = DDKDispatchRoutin;    pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_READ] = DDKDispatchRoutin;    pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLEANUP] = DDKDispatchRoutin;    pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL] = DDKDispatchRoutin;    pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION] = DDKDispatchRoutin;    pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_SHUTDOWN] = DDKDispatchRoutin;    pDriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_SYSTEM_CONTROL] = DDKDispatchRoutin;    //创建驱动设备对象    status = CreateDevice(pDriverObject);    KdPrint(("Leave DriverEntry\n"));    return status;}NTSTATUS CreateDevice(    IN PDRIVER_OBJECT   pDriverObject){    NTSTATUS status;    PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj;    PDEVICE_EXTENSION pDevExt;    //创建设备名称    UNICODE_STRING devName;    RtlInitUnicodeString(&devName, L"\\Device\\MyDDKDevice");    //创建设备    status = IoCreateDevice(pDriverObject,        sizeof(DEVICE_EXTENSION),        &devName,        FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN,        0, TRUE,        &pDevObj);    if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))        return status;    pDevObj->Flags |= DO_BUFFERED_IO;    pDevExt = (PDEVICE_EXTENSION)pDevObj->DeviceExtension;    pDevExt->pDevice = pDevObj;    pDevExt->ustrDeviceName = devName;    //创建符号链接    UNICODE_STRING symLinkName;    RtlInitUnicodeString(&symLinkName, L"\\??\\TESTDDK");    pDevExt->ustrSymLinkName = symLinkName;    status = IoCreateSymbolicLink(&symLinkName, &devName);    if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))    {        IoDeleteDevice(pDevObj);        return status;    }    return STATUS_SUCCESS;}#pragma PAGEDCODEVOID DDKUnload(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject){    PDEVICE_OBJECT  pNextObj;    KdPrint(("Enter DriverUnload\n"));    pNextObj = pDriverObject->DeviceObject;    while (pNextObj != NULL)    {        PDEVICE_EXTENSION pDevExt = (PDEVICE_EXTENSION)            pNextObj->DeviceExtension;        //删除符号链接        UNICODE_STRING pLinkName = pDevExt->ustrSymLinkName;        IoDeleteSymbolicLink(&pLinkName);        pNextObj = pNextObj->NextDevice;        IoDeleteDevice(pDevExt->pDevice);    }}#pragma PAGEDCODENTSTATUS DDKDispatchRoutin(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj,    IN PIRP pIrp){    KdPrint(("Enter HelloDDKDispatchRoutin\n"));    PIO_STACK_LOCATION stack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pIrp);    //建立一个字符串数组与IRP类型对应起来    static char* irpname[] =    {        "IRP_MJ_CREATE",        "IRP_MJ_CREATE_NAMED_PIPE",        "IRP_MJ_CLOSE",        "IRP_MJ_READ",        "IRP_MJ_WRITE",        "IRP_MJ_QUERY_INFORMATION",        "IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION",        "IRP_MJ_QUERY_EA",        "IRP_MJ_SET_EA",        "IRP_MJ_FLUSH_BUFFERS",        "IRP_MJ_QUERY_VOLUME_INFORMATION",        "IRP_MJ_SET_VOLUME_INFORMATION",        "IRP_MJ_DIRECTORY_CONTROL",        "IRP_MJ_FILE_SYSTEM_CONTROL",        "IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL",        "IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL",        "IRP_MJ_SHUTDOWN",        "IRP_MJ_LOCK_CONTROL",        "IRP_MJ_CLEANUP",        "IRP_MJ_CREATE_MAILSLOT",        "IRP_MJ_QUERY_SECURITY",        "IRP_MJ_SET_SECURITY",        "IRP_MJ_POWER",        "IRP_MJ_SYSTEM_CONTROL",        "IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CHANGE",        "IRP_MJ_QUERY_QUOTA",        "IRP_MJ_SET_QUOTA",        "IRP_MJ_PNP",    };    UCHAR type = stack->MajorFunction;    if (type >= arraysize(irpname))        KdPrint((" - Unknown IRP, major type %X\n", type));    else        KdPrint(("\t%s\n", irpname[type]));    //对一般IRP的简单操作,后面会介绍对IRP更复杂的操作    NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS;    // 完成IRP    pIrp->IoStatus.Status = status;    pIrp->IoStatus.Information = 0; // bytes xfered    IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);    KdPrint(("Leave DDKDispatchRoutin\n"));    return status;}stRet CPUType(){    stRet st_Ret = {FALSE,FALSE};     ULONG CPUInfo[4] = { -1 };    CHAR cpu_string[48];    __cpuid(CPUInfo, 0);    INT num_ids = CPUInfo[0];    //GenuineIntel是Intel的CPU     //0x47, 0x65, 0x6E, 0x75,   0x69, 0x6E, 0x65, 0x49,   0x6E, 0x74, 0x65, 0x6C,   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 GenuineIntel    if ((CPUInfo[1] == 0x756e6547) && (CPUInfo[2] == 0x6c65746e) && (CPUInfo[3] == 0x49656e69))    {        st_Ret.bIntelCPU=TRUE;        KdPrint(("GenuineIntel\n"));    }    //AuthenticAMD 是AMD的CPU    //0x41, 0x75, 0x74, 0x68,   0x65, 0x6E, 0x74, 0x69,   0x63, 0x41, 0x4D, 0x44,   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00  AuthenticAMD    if ((CPUInfo[1] == 0x68747541) && (CPUInfo[2] == 0x444d4163) && (CPUInfo[3] == 0x69746e65))    {        st_Ret.bIntelCPU = TRUE;        KdPrint(("AuthenticAMD\n"));    }    INT cpu_info[4] = { -1 };    __cpuid(cpu_info, 0);    // Interpret CPU feature information.    if (num_ids > 0) {        int cpu_info7[4] = { 0 };        __cpuid(cpu_info, 1);        if (num_ids >= 7) {            __cpuid(cpu_info7, 7);        }        signature_ = cpu_info[0];        stepping_ = cpu_info[0] & 0xf;        model_ = ((cpu_info[0] >> 4) & 0xf) + ((cpu_info[0] >> 12) & 0xf0);        family_ = (cpu_info[0] >> 8) & 0xf;        type_ = (cpu_info[0] >> 12) & 0x3;        ext_model_ = (cpu_info[0] >> 16) & 0xf;        ext_family_ = (cpu_info[0] >> 20) & 0xff;        has_mmx_ = (cpu_info[3] & 0x00800000) != 0;        has_sse_ = (cpu_info[3] & 0x02000000) != 0;        has_sse2_ = (cpu_info[3] & 0x04000000) != 0;        has_sse3_ = (cpu_info[2] & 0x00000001) != 0;        has_ssse3_ = (cpu_info[2] & 0x00000200) != 0;        has_sse41_ = (cpu_info[2] & 0x00080000) != 0;        has_sse42_ = (cpu_info[2] & 0x00100000) != 0;        has_aesni_ = (cpu_info[2] & 0x02000000) != 0;        has_avx2_ = has_avx_ && (cpu_info7[1] & 0x00000020) != 0;    }    // Get the brand string of the cpu.    __cpuid(cpu_info, 0x80000000);    const int parameter_end = 0x80000004;    int max_parameter = cpu_info[0];    //CHAR temp[40] = { -1 };    if (cpu_info[0] >= parameter_end) {        PCHAR cpu_string_ptr = cpu_string;        for (int parameter = 0x80000002; parameter <= parameter_end &&            cpu_string_ptr < &cpu_string[lstrlen(cpu_string)]; parameter++) {            __cpuid(cpu_info, parameter);            lstrcpy(cpu_string_ptr, cpu_info, lstrlen(cpu_info));            cpu_string_ptr += lstrlen(cpu_info);        }        //lstrcpy(g_cpu_string, cpu_string_ptr-34, 32);        KdPrint(("cpu_string:%s cpu_string:%x\n", cpu_string, cpu_string));        //DbgBreakPoint();     }    const int parameter_containing_non_stop_time_stamp_counter = 0x80000007;    if (max_parameter >= parameter_containing_non_stop_time_stamp_counter) {        __cpuid(cpu_info, parameter_containing_non_stop_time_stamp_counter);        has_non_stop_time_stamp_counter_ = (cpu_info[3] & (1 << 8)) != 0;    }     return st_Ret;}//  字符串长度DWORD lstrlen(PCHAR pSrc){    DWORD   dwRet = 0;    while (*pSrc != 0)    {        dwRet++;        pSrc++;    }    return dwRet;}//  字符拷贝VOID lstrcpy(PCHAR pDst, PCHAR pSrc, DWORD len){    //while (1)    //{    //  //  复制字符,直到零结尾    //  *pDst = *pSrc;    //  if (*pSrc == 0)    //      break;    //  //  下一个字符    //  pSrc++;    //  pDst++;    //}    for (DWORD i = 0; i < len; i++) {            //  复制字符             *pDst = *pSrc;            if (*pSrc == 0)                break;            //  下一个字符            pSrc++;            pDst++;    }}//VOID EnumeratePCI()//{//  ULONG bus;//  ULONG dev;//  ULONG func;////  PCI_COMMON_CONFIG PciConfig;//  PCI_SLOT_NUMBER SlotNumber;////  KdPrint(("Bus\tDevice\tFunc\tVendor\tDevice\tBaseCls\tSubCls\tIRQ\tPIN\n"));////  for (bus = 0; bus <= PDI_BUS_MAX; ++bus)//  {//      for (dev = 0; dev <= PDI_DEVICE_MAX; ++dev)//      {//          for (func = 0; func <= PDI_FUNCTION_MAX; ++func)//          {//              SlotNumber.u.AsULONG = 0;//              SlotNumber.u.bits.DeviceNumber = dev;//              SlotNumber.u.bits.FunctionNumber = func;////              RtlZeroMemory(&PciConfig,//                  sizeof(PCI_COMMON_CONFIG));//              ULONG Size = HalGetBusData(PCIConfiguration,//                  bus,//                  SlotNumber.u.AsULONG,//                  &PciConfig,//                  PCI_COMMON_HDR_LENGTH);//              if (Size == PCI_COMMON_HDR_LENGTH)//              {//                  KdPrint(("%02X\t%02X\t%x\t%x\t%x\t%02X\t%02X\t%d\t%d\n",//                      bus,//                      dev,//                      func,//                      PciConfig.VendorID,//                      PciConfig.DeviceID,//                      PciConfig.BaseClass,//                      PciConfig.SubClass,//                      PciConfig.u.type0.InterruptLine,//                      PciConfig.u.type0.InterruptPin));//              }////          }//      }//  }////}void Out_32(USHORT port, ULONG value){     UCHAR method = 4;     //KdPrint(("port:%x\n", port));    //KdPrint(("method:%x\n", method));    //KdPrint(("value:%x\n", value));    if (method == 1)//8位操作    {        WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)port, (UCHAR)value);    }    else if (method == 2)//16位操作    {        WRITE_PORT_USHORT((PUSHORT)port, (USHORT)value);    }    else if (method == 4)//32位操作    {        WRITE_PORT_ULONG((PULONG)port, (ULONG)value);    }}DWORD In_32(USHORT port){     UCHAR method = 4;    //KdPrint(("port:%x\n", port));    //KdPrint(("method:%x\n", method));    if (method == 1)//8位操作    {        return READ_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)port);    }    else if (method == 2)//16位操作    {        return READ_PORT_USHORT((PUSHORT)port);    }    else if (method == 4)//32位操作    {        return  READ_PORT_ULONG((PULONG)port);    }     return 0;}void DisplayPCIConfiguation(int bus, int dev, int func){    DWORD   dwAddr;    DWORD   dwData;    MYPCI_COMMON_CONFIG pci_config;    MYPCI_SLOT_NUMBER SlotNumber;    SlotNumber.u.AsULONG = 0;    SlotNumber.u.bits.DeviceNumber = dev;    SlotNumber.u.bits.FunctionNumber = func;    dwAddr = 0x80000000 | (bus << 16) | (SlotNumber.u.AsULONG << 8);    /* 256字节的PCI配置空间 */    for (int i = 0; i < 0x100; i += 4)    {        /* Read */        Out_32(PCI_CONFIG_ADDRESS, dwAddr | i);        dwData = In_32(PCI_CONFIG_DATA);        memcpy(((PUCHAR)&pci_config) + i, &dwData, 4);    }//bus:2 dev : 1 func : 0//  VendorID : 15ad//  DeviceID : 1977//  Command : 6//  Status : 10//  RevisionID : 9//  ProgIf : 0//  SubClass : 3//  BaseClass : 4//  CacheLineSize : 40//  LatencyTimer : 0//  HeaderType : 0//  BIST : 0//  BaseAddresses[0] : 0XFC000004//  BaseAddresses[1] : 0X00000000//  BaseAddresses[2] : 0X00000000//  BaseAddresses[3] : 0X00000000//  BaseAddresses[4] : 0X00000000//  BaseAddresses[5] : 0X00000000//  InterruptLine : 19//  InterruptPin : 1    KdPrint(("bus:%d\tdev:%d\tfunc:%d\n", bus, dev, func));    KdPrint(("VendorID:%x\n", pci_config.VendorID));    KdPrint(("DeviceID:%x\n", pci_config.DeviceID));    KdPrint(("Command:%x\n", pci_config.Command));    KdPrint(("Status:%x\n", pci_config.Status));    KdPrint(("RevisionID:%x\n", pci_config.RevisionID));    KdPrint(("ProgIf:%x\n", pci_config.ProgIf));    KdPrint(("SubClass:%x\n", pci_config.SubClass));    KdPrint(("BaseClass:%x\n", pci_config.BaseClass));    KdPrint(("CacheLineSize:%x\n", pci_config.CacheLineSize));    KdPrint(("LatencyTimer:%x\n", pci_config.LatencyTimer));    KdPrint(("HeaderType:%x\n", pci_config.HeaderType));    KdPrint(("BIST:%x\n", pci_config.BIST));    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)    {        KdPrint(("BaseAddresses[%d]:0X%08X\n", i, pci_config.u.type0.BaseAddresses[i]));    }    KdPrint(("InterruptLine:%d\n", pci_config.u.type0.InterruptLine));    KdPrint(("InterruptPin:%d\n", pci_config.u.type0.InterruptPin));}VOID EnumeratePCI() {    ULONG ulbus = 0;   //总线号    ULONG uldev = 0;   //设备号    ULONG ulfunc = 0;    //功能号    //枚举总线号    //for (ulbus = 0; ulbus < PDI_BUS_MAX; ulbus++)    //{    //  //枚举设备号      //  for (uldev = 0; uldev <= PDI_DEVICE_MAX; uldev++)    //  {    //      //枚举功能号     //      for (ulfunc = 0; ulfunc <= PDI_FUNCTION_MAX; ulfunc++)    //      {    //          DisplayPCIConfiguation(ulbus, uldev, ulfunc);    //          MySleep(1000);    //      }    //  }    //}    DisplayPCIConfiguation(0, 21, 0);    DisplayPCIConfiguation(0, 15, 0);}VOID MySleep(LONG msec){    LARGE_INTEGER my_interval;    my_interval.QuadPart = DELAY_ONE_MILLISECOND;    my_interval.QuadPart *= msec;    KeDelayExecutionThread(KernelMode, 0, &my_interval);}VOID EnumPCI(){    ULONG ulbus = 0;   //总线号    ULONG uldev = 0;   //设备号    ULONG func = 0;    //功能号    wchar_t *pwcHardwareId = NULL;    //LPVIDEO_INFO      pHardWareInfo = NULL;    PCI_COMMON_HEADER tgaConfigInfo;    BOOLEAN           bHaveNvAMD = FALSE;       //是否有独立显卡    MYPCI_SLOT_NUMBER SlotNumber;    do    {        pwcHardwareId = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, 4096, 'root');        if (NULL == pwcHardwareId)        {            break;        }        //枚举总线号        for (ulbus = 0; ulbus < PDI_BUS_MAX; ulbus++)        {            //枚举设备号              for (uldev = 0; uldev <= PDI_DEVICE_MAX; uldev++)             {                for (func = 0; func <= PDI_FUNCTION_MAX; func++)                {                    //bus:2 dev : 1 func : 0                    if ((ulbus==2)&& (uldev==1)&&(func==0))                    {                        RtlZeroMemory(&tgaConfigInfo, sizeof(tgaConfigInfo));                        /*ULONG HalGetBusData(                        IN BUS_DATA_TYPE BusDataType,                        IN ULONG BusNumber,                        IN ULONG SlotNumber,                        IN PVOID Buffer,                        IN ULONG Length                        );                        ULONG GetSetDeviceData(                        PVOID Context,                        ULONG DataType,                        PVOID Buffer,                        ULONG Offset,                        ULONG Length                        )                        */                        SlotNumber.u.AsULONG = 0;                        SlotNumber.u.bits.DeviceNumber = uldev;                        SlotNumber.u.bits.FunctionNumber = func;                        //取得PCI配置空间                        //HalGetBusDataByOffset(PCIConfiguration, ulbus, SlotNumber.u.AsULONG, &tgaConfigInfo, 0, sizeof(tgaConfigInfo));                        HalGetBusDataByOffset(PCIConfiguration, ulbus, uldev, &tgaConfigInfo, 0, sizeof(tgaConfigInfo));                        //判断获取到的是否是显卡                        if (tgaConfigInfo.BaseClass != 3)                        {                            //continue;                        }                        if ((DWORD)0x8086 == tgaConfigInfo.VendorID)                        {                            //屏蔽Intel核显                            //break;                        }                        //组合硬件ID号                        swprintf(pwcHardwareId,                            L"VEN_%X&DEV_%04X&SUBSYS_%04X%04X&REV_%02X",                            tgaConfigInfo.VendorID,                            tgaConfigInfo.DeviceID,                            tgaConfigInfo.u.type0.SubSystemID,                            tgaConfigInfo.u.type0.SubVendorID,                            tgaConfigInfo.RevisionID);                        KdPrint(("bus:%d\tdev:%d\tfunc:%d\n", ulbus, uldev, func));                        KdPrint(("VendorID:%x\n", tgaConfigInfo.VendorID));                        KdPrint(("DeviceID:%x\n", tgaConfigInfo.DeviceID));                        KdPrint(("Command:%x\n", tgaConfigInfo.Command));                        KdPrint(("Status:%x\n", tgaConfigInfo.Status));                        KdPrint(("RevisionID:%x\n", tgaConfigInfo.RevisionID));                        KdPrint(("ProgIf:%x\n", tgaConfigInfo.ProgIf));                        KdPrint(("SubClass:%x\n", tgaConfigInfo.SubClass));                        KdPrint(("BaseClass:%x\n", tgaConfigInfo.BaseClass));                        KdPrint(("CacheLineSize:%x\n", tgaConfigInfo.CacheLineSize));                        KdPrint(("LatencyTimer:%x\n", tgaConfigInfo.LatencyTimer));                        KdPrint(("HeaderType:%x\n", tgaConfigInfo.HeaderType));                        KdPrint(("BIST:%x\n", tgaConfigInfo.BIST));                        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)                        {                            KdPrint(("BaseAddresses[%d]:0X%08X\n", i, tgaConfigInfo.u.type0.BaseAddresses[i]));                        }                        KdPrint(("InterruptLine:%d\n", tgaConfigInfo.u.type0.InterruptLine));                        KdPrint(("InterruptPin:%d\n", tgaConfigInfo.u.type0.InterruptPin));                        //pHardWareInfo = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(VIDEO_INFO), 'xxx');                        //if (NULL == pHardWareInfo)                        //{                        //  continue;                        //}                        //bHaveNvAMD = TRUE;              //有独立显卡                        //RtlZeroMemory(pHardWareInfo, sizeof(VIDEO_INFO));                        //pHardWareInfo->dwVendorID = tgaConfigInfo.VendorID;                        //pHardWareInfo->dwDeviceID = tgaConfigInfo.DeviceID;                        //pHardWareInfo->wSubSystemID = tgaConfigInfo.u.type0.SubSystemID;                        //pHardWareInfo->wSubVendorID = tgaConfigInfo.u.type0.SubVendorID;                        //pHardWareInfo->wRevisionID = tgaConfigInfo.RevisionID;                        //wcscat(pHardWareInfo->wsHardwareID, pwcHardwareId);                        //InsertTailList(&g_DisPlayInfo.VideoList, &pHardWareInfo->Next);                        //MsgLog(L"枚举PCI成功");                        break;                    }                }            }        }                if (NULL != pwcHardwareId)        {            ExFreePool(pwcHardwareId);            pwcHardwareId = NULL;        }    } while (FALSE);}


#define PAGEDCODE code_seg("PAGE")#define LOCKEDCODE code_seg()#define INITCODE code_seg("INIT")#define PDI_BUS_MAX 0xFF#define PDI_DEVICE_MAX 0x1F#define PDI_FUNCTION_MAX 0x7 #define PAGEDDATA data_seg("PAGE")#define LOCKEDDATA data_seg()#define INITDATA data_seg("INIT")#define arraysize(p) (sizeof(p)/sizeof((p)[0]))#define DELAY_ONE_MICRSECOND (-10)#define DELAY_ONE_MILLISECOND (1000 * DELAY_ONE_MICRSECOND)typedef struct _DEVICE_EXTENSION { PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevice; UNICODE_STRING ustrDeviceName; //设备名称 UNICODE_STRING ustrSymLinkName; //符号链接名} DEVICE_EXTENSION, *PDEVICE_EXTENSION;typedef struct MyStruct{ //Intel BOOLEAN bIntelCPU; //AMD BOOLEAN bAMDCPU;}stRet;INT signature_; // raw form of type, family, model, and steppingINT type_; // process typeINT family_; // family of the processorINT model_; // model of processorINT stepping_; // processor revision numberINT ext_model_;INT ext_family_;BOOLEAN has_mmx_;BOOLEAN has_sse_;BOOLEAN has_sse2_;BOOLEAN has_sse3_;BOOLEAN has_ssse3_;BOOLEAN has_sse41_;BOOLEAN has_sse42_;BOOLEAN has_avx_;BOOLEAN has_avx2_;BOOLEAN has_aesni_;BOOLEAN has_non_stop_time_stamp_counter_;ULONG CPUInfo[4] = { -1 };// 函数声明stRet CPUType();NTSTATUS CreateDevice(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject);VOID DDKUnload(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject);NTSTATUS DDKDispatchRoutin(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, IN PIRP pIrp);// 字符串长度DWORD lstrlen(PCHAR pSrc);// 字符拷贝VOID lstrcpy(PCHAR pDst, PCHAR pSrc, DWORD len);///* PCI配置空间寄存器 */#define PCI_CONFIG_ADDRESS 0xCF8#define PCI_CONFIG_DATA 0xCFC#define PCI_TYPE0_ADDRESSES 6#define PCI_TYPE1_ADDRESSES 2#define PCI_TYPE2_ADDRESSES 5typedef struct _MYPCI_COMMON_CONFIG { USHORT VendorID; // (ro) USHORT DeviceID; // (ro) USHORT Command; // Device control USHORT Status; UCHAR RevisionID; // (ro) UCHAR ProgIf; // (ro) UCHAR SubClass; // (ro) UCHAR BaseClass; // (ro) UCHAR CacheLineSize; // (ro+) UCHAR LatencyTimer; // (ro+) UCHAR HeaderType; // (ro) UCHAR BIST; // Built in self test union { struct _MYPCI_HEADER_TYPE_0 { ULONG BaseAddresses[PCI_TYPE0_ADDRESSES]; ULONG CIS; USHORT SubVendorID; USHORT SubSystemID; ULONG ROMBaseAddress; UCHAR CapabilitiesPtr; UCHAR Reserved1[3]; ULONG Reserved2; UCHAR InterruptLine; // UCHAR InterruptPin; // (ro) UCHAR MinimumGrant; // (ro) UCHAR MaximumLatency; // (ro) } type0; // end_wdm end_ntminiport end_ntndis // // PCI to PCI Bridge // struct _MYPCI_HEADER_TYPE_1 { ULONG BaseAddresses[PCI_TYPE1_ADDRESSES]; UCHAR PrimaryBus; UCHAR SecondaryBus; UCHAR SubordinateBus; UCHAR SecondaryLatency; UCHAR IOBase; UCHAR IOLimit; USHORT SecondaryStatus; USHORT MemoryBase; USHORT MemoryLimit; USHORT PrefetchBase; USHORT PrefetchLimit; ULONG PrefetchBaseUpper32; ULONG PrefetchLimitUpper32; USHORT IOBaseUpper16; USHORT IOLimitUpper16; UCHAR CapabilitiesPtr; UCHAR Reserved1[3]; ULONG ROMBaseAddress; UCHAR InterruptLine; UCHAR InterruptPin; USHORT BridgeControl; } type1; // // PCI to CARDBUS Bridge // struct _MYPCI_HEADER_TYPE_2 { ULONG SocketRegistersBaseAddress; UCHAR CapabilitiesPtr; UCHAR Reserved; USHORT SecondaryStatus; UCHAR PrimaryBus; UCHAR SecondaryBus; UCHAR SubordinateBus; UCHAR SecondaryLatency; struct { ULONG Base; ULONG Limit; } Range[PCI_TYPE2_ADDRESSES - 1]; UCHAR InterruptLine; UCHAR InterruptPin; USHORT BridgeControl; } type2; // begin_wdm begin_ntminiport begin_ntndis } u; UCHAR DeviceSpecific[192];} MYPCI_COMMON_CONFIG, *MYPPCI_COMMON_CONFIG;typedef struct _MYPCI_SLOT_NUMBER { union { struct { ULONG FunctionNumber : 3; ULONG DeviceNumber : 5; ULONG Reserved : 24; } bits; ULONG AsULONG; } u;} MYPCI_SLOT_NUMBER, *MYPPCI_SLOT_NUMBER;VOID EnumeratePCI();VOID EnumPCI();VOID MySleep(LONG msec);


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